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Go in in a sentence

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Sentence count:255+22Posted:2017-05-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: come inenterget inget intogo intomove intoSimilar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingMeaning: v. to come or go into. 
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211 If the White armies could claim it, the Civil War might go in their favour.
212 Lilya would go in her car, and I would go in mine.
213 Van Orton, the super-controlled business man, is not the type to go in for bungee jumping.
214 The Civil Service Commission needs to be independent of the Council and this proposal would go in the opposite direction.
215 Settlement cracks go in various directions and result in a depression that collects water.
216 I can go in a shirt and jeans and no one looks down his nose at me.
217 If the problem is one of bedwetting then the chart should go in the child's bedroom.
218 Drop jealousy and love wells up. Jealousy means that I am the owner. It is an ego trip, and wherever there is ego there is poison, and the poison kills the very source of love. One has to become aware of just these few things and discard them and one's life becomes a lotus of love. And then there is no need to go in any search of god, god will come in search of you. This is my observation,( in.html) that god always comes seeking the true seeker. Whenever the disciple is ready the master appears. Osho 
219 They started at a particular time, and at regular intervals another dorm would go in.
220 I half hope he's awake, so that I can go in and sit with him, and stroke his head.
221 If you want to go in, there may be an extra charge.
222 I've only known you a few days Luke, and I don't go in for casual sex.
223 It's regrettable that we can't go in June when the weather is best.
224 Anywhere you go in space, your ship's autopilot could divert to an unknown rendezvous.
225 How far he can go in the absence of restrictive covenants is dealt with later.
226 "We'll go in your car, Billy."—"Whatever you say.".
227 You have to go in through the back entrance.
228 Husband: You tell a woman something, and then it will go in both ears and come out of the mouth.
229 Again, this should go in your startup scripts, preferably in the script that starts NFS on your system.
230 I didn't go in for poetry seriously , but now I'm beginning to take an interest in it.
231 From current and villatic market go in light of situation, the current that supply and demand increases more drama the competition between the industry.
232 Where was he to go in this misty space between heaven and earth?
233 I just don't think arcade games go in the beautiful guest room.
234 Without nettles caterpillars would go in search of alternative food sources, probably plumping for one of your favourite plants.
235 Well, go in the pantry and get that ham off the shelf.
236 The client is accompanied to learn a car in big winter, car defect enters water hole later in, we took off a shoe, go in glacial water go-cart .
237 This magazine caters for teenagers who go in for athletics, camping, etc.
238 China will never seek hegemony and never go in for expansion.
239 "Before the iPad I'd go in to talk about a distributed access environment, and I felt like I was pitching herbal medicines, " Orr said.
240 Thought the political work principle: All - directions melt to go in to permeate.
More similar words: goinggo intogo in forongoingoutgoingforegoingeasygoingeasy goingkeep goinggoing concerngo into hidinggoitergoitreegoistegoismjingoismegoisticcooking oiljingoisticdo injoinloincoinpointgroinjointheroinquoinCOINSrejoin
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